Date Published:
2010 AprAbstract:
Human embryonic stem cells are derived from the inner cell mass of pre-implantation embryos. The cells have unlimited proliferation potential and capacity to differentiate into the cells of the three germ layers. Human embryonic stem cells are used to study human embryogenesis and disease modeling and may in the future serve as cells for cell therapy and drug screening. Human embryonic stem cells are usually isolated from surplus normal frozen embryos and were suggested to be isolated from diseased embryos detected by pre-implantation genetic diagnosis. Here we report the isolation of 12 human embryonic stem cell lines and their thorough characterization. The lines were derived from embryos detected to have aneuploidy by pre-implantation genetic screening. Karyotype analysis of these cell lines showed that they are euploid, having 46 chromosomes. Our interpretation is that the euploid cells originated from mosaic embryos, and in vitro selection favored the euploid cells. The undifferentiated cells exhibited long-term proliferation and expressed markers typical for embryonic stem cells such as OCT4, NANOG, and TRA-1-60. The cells manifested pluripotent differentiation both in vivo and in vitro. To further characterize the different lines, we have analyzed their ethnic origin and the family relatedness among them. The above results led us to conclude that the aneuploid mosaic embryos that are destined to be discarded can serve as source for normal euploid human embryonic stem cell lines. These lines represent various ethnic groups; more lines are needed to represent all populations.